[h4]What would you tell a recent migrant or refugee to the UK to welcome them to our country?[/h4]
The United Kingdom has a long history of welcoming people from other countries, which spirit is alive and well in most of its citizens today. I realise that every country in the world has its own cultural traditions, which, in many cases, will seem very different from the way in which life appears to be lived here. But, if you examine that life style in detail you will find that it is a compromise, including elements imported from many other parts of the world.
One of the most heart-warming ways in which I saw new comers being welcomed to this country was in Manchester, where young immigrants, from different parts of the world, were encouraged to perform songs or dances from their own, which immediately encouraged relationships with other performers and with those who had come to listen.
Angela Starn says:
I agree with David in the value of meeting people outside of our own national grouping. The more intercultural connections we can make, the better! Understandably, that can be more difficult than it sounds. For everyone. A good place to start may be with a parent or teacher at your child’s school or a neighbour. There are loads of people here in the UK who would be thrilled to meet you.