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About us

Migrants Organise provides a platform for refugees and migrants to organise for power, dignity and justice. We combine advice and support for individuals subjected to hostile immigration policies with grassroots organising, advocacy, research and campaigning to dismantle structural racism.

Our big vision is a welcoming society based on principles of dignity, justice and solidarity. Our mission is to organise with migrants, refugees and our allies and build a movement for migrant justice.

We translate this into action by:

Connecting with each other and allies who share our values in an intentional and relational way

Building common ground and work strategically, organising and mobilising, building alliances and working in solidarity on local and national policy level, tackling diverse and multiple issues of concern

Growing our power, to share knowledge and resources and work to build a coherent, organised, inclusive and strategic movement for change. We mentor, train, develop leadership and platform people with lived experience of exclusion and destitution in a meaningful and dignified manner

Speaking out and disrupting normalisation of dehumanising narratives and policies by opening up spaces for a new narrative rooted in migrant experience and demands for justice

Our model of organising emerged from nearly three decades of working on all aspects of migration experience in Britain and our participation in the struggle to preserve rights and dignity in an increasingly hostile environment.

Our team

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Zrinka Bralo


Francesca Valerio

Community Programme Director

Micol Carmignani

Operations Manager

Ffion Evans

Communications Organiser

Maymuna Osman

Migrant Organiser

Sarli Sardou Nana

Migrant Organiser for Yorkshire & the Humber

Heike Langbein

Advice Manager

Brian Dikoff

Legal Officer

Erica Lang

Grants Manager

Mallika Balakrishnan

Digital Organiser

Frances Timberlake

Access to Justice Organiser

Jawad Anjum

Housing Justice Organiser

Justine Lecoq


Tristan Greene


Laurie Hartley

Senior Caseworker

Harriet Yang

Casework Trainee

Elinor Kirchwey

Senior Caseworker

Ethan Chua

Access to Healthcare Organiser

Latefa Narriman Guemar

Bilingual Caseworker (Arabic/English)

Leila Prasad

Office Assistant

Our Story

See the timeline of our history.



Find out more information about the organisations that help support us.
