The Migrant & Refugee Woman of the Year Award aims to recognise and celebrate women who having migrated or fled persecution themselves, find time to provide essential support and inspiring leadership at grassroots level to other new Londoners attempting to start a new life in the city.
Migrating to a new country brings many challenges and it is often women who step forward and find solutions on behalf of a wider group and help more vulnerable members of the community. They fight for equality, challenge prejudice and come up with innovative, practical and strategic solutions for those in need and all while working, studying and raising families.
The achievements and contribution of these women to London often go unnoticed and as a group of women activists we feel it is time to pause and say thank you to these committed and courageous individuals. The award will be presented for the first time on March 8th, 2012, as part of London’s International Women’s Day celebrations.
Any woman who self defines as a migrant or refugee was eligible to be nominated for the award. She must have been actively involved in community work in London during the last 12 months. Community can mean many things – for example, it may be defined geographically, on the grounds of ethnicity, or it may be a community of interest, so please describe the community you are referring to clearly on the application form. Nominees do not have to lead a legally constituted organisation. The work of the nominees does not need to have been with or for women, or on gender issues, but it must have supported migrants and/or refugees to settle in London. Nominees can be paid workers or volunteers.
[h4]What will the award winner receive?[/h4]
The winner will be presented with the award by the actress and campaigner Juliet Stevenson during a high profile ceremony at the Royal Festival Hall on International Women’s Day – March 8th, 2012. Her community or organisation will receive a £1,000 donation to spend on community work as she sees fit and she will also be offered mentoring support. This support will be tailored to her needs and could be for her individually or for her community/organisation.
[blockquote style=”style2″]For further information, please contact Beth Crosland.
t: 020 8962 3042[/blockquote]
Migrant and Refugee Woman of the Year Award is administered by the Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum, 2 Thorpe Close, London W10 5XL.
The Award is the product of a partnership between the Equals Coalition, IMKAAN, Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum, Oxfam, Refugee Women’s Association, ROSA and Women for Refugee Women.