We’re delighted to share, “Hope“, our latest creative exhibition with you. ‘Hope’ is a stunning exploration of memory, future dreams, freedom, resilience, family and community. It is creative solidarity. For the last few months, our members have been coming together to share creatively what hope means to them. All of the work for “Hope” was produced during our weekly Art, Creative Writing, Storytelling, and Gardening sessions. We’re proud to share this work with you. |
We launched the exhibition on February 21st at the Chelsea Theatre, West London with a wonderful evening of creative writing, photography, movement and solidarity. Creating spaces to come together is a vital fabric of community building and hopeful action. With cuts to legal aid, a huge rise in refugee homelessness alongside a growing backdrop of hostility, migrants and refugees are facing increased destitution, poor mental health and isolation. Our weekly creative activities have been a way to build nourishment and friendships as we support each other. |
For us hope is not a fleeting emotion or a momentary feeling. Its a practice- like when we show up for each other to make community and care for one another. So, please take a moment to act in hope with us today. And of course, don’t forget to let us know what you think- we love hearing your thoughts. In solidarity, |