Hackney Patients Not Passports Screening: NHS Borderlands at Homerton Hospital – 16th Feb 2023

This is a green leaflet with a Patients Not Passports logo, and image of people protesting with people holding a banner of "No Borders in the NHS".
 NHS Borderlands is a short film which explores the impact of NHS charging on people's lives. Made by barelifefilms.com. It tells Angela's story. Angela fled persecution in Zimbabwe and came to the UK. In the UK she has been subjected to the Hostile Environment immigration policy of NHS charges; she has been charged £8000 for essential medical care. There are many more stories like Angela's.

Hackney Patients Not Passports. 
Short film & discussion about NHS charges. Thursday 16th Feb, 4:45 - 5:45pm. After the film there will be a discussion and Q&A with campaigners from Patients Not Passports about NHS charges and their human impact on migrants. 
Homerton Hospital, Conference Room 2.
Hackney Patients Not Passports presents a screening of NHS Borderlands  at Homerton Hospital on Thursday February 16th 2023.

This is a guest blog written by Rayah Feldman, a campaigner with Hackney Patients Not Passports

Hackney Patients Not Passports (PNP) is delighted to have the opportunity to show the short film NHS Borderlands to staff at Homerton Hospital. Register for the event on Eventbrite here!

NHS Borderlands is an investigative documentary exploring the human impact of NHS charges on migrants. The short film explores the story of Angela, who fled persecution in Zimbabwe only to be subjected to Hostile Environment immigration policies in the UK and charged £8,000 for vital medical care. But Angela, like many others, is not allowed to work or claim benefits, and is among the poorest people in our society. 

Angela’s story exposes the reality for thousands of people living in the UK who face charges for and exclusion from vital medical care, undermining the NHS’s founding commitment to universal healthcare.

Hackney PNP is part of the national Patients Not Passports network which seeks to raise awareness of NHS charging and its impact on migrants. Many health workers are unaware that the government’s ‘Hostile Environment’ policies against migrants also affect their patients.

Although the NHS is the most loved British public service, with its principle of treatment based on need, not ability to pay, it is now a major target of the Hostile Environment. People on visitor visas and those with irregular immigration status are now required to pay huge sums for hospital care. For example, standard maternity care, for example costs over £7000. Unless exempt, patients may be refused treatment if they cannot pay in advance.

After the film there will be a discussion and Q&A with members of Patients Not Passports in Hackney and from elsewhere. We’ll also provide information on where you can signpost patients who need to get advice if they’ve been charged, and provide information for healthcare workers, including what aspects of healthcare are not subject to charging.  

All are welcome! To book your place, please register on Eventbrite here. For more information, contact info@patientsnotpassports.co.uk.
