The escalation of the far right has exposed the urgent need to build solidarity with migrant and refugee communities. When we are united in broad coalitions and movements we have the power to address structural issues. As we do this work, we also need to be there for each other – organising practical everyday support whilst keeping each other safe.That’s why, earlier this summer, we ran our fourth Migrants Organise Resilience Festival – our festival of solidarity and hope. |
As the season changes we wanted to look back and celebrate what we achieved. Together with over 200 members – migrants and refugees living at the sharp end of hostile environment policies– we organised incredible live music events, lively picnics, group walks, gardening sessions, painting, art and creative writing sessions and storytelling performances.
The festival launched during Refugee Week in June, and ran for four weeks and included art, poetry and creative writing competitions.
For our members the joy of creating space, activity, food and music is a vital reminder of the better world we’re building together. Now the autumn has arrived we are resuming our popular weekly classes and activities.
We know that more and more people are looking for organised communities that can act to dismantle hostile anti-migrant policies as well as provide everyday practical support.
If you are able to support our work- which combines grassroots organising and campaigning with ongoing holistic support- please consider a donation. Money goes directly to support our members.
We appreciate that not everyone is in a position to donate. Other easy ways you can show solidarity is by sharing our work with your networks- just sharing this email with a friend or amplifying our message on X and Instagram means more people hear about ways they can build power with migrant communities.
Thank you to all of you that have donated or supported our work recently and over the years. Together, we can be there for each other- to protect our communities and challenge injustices.