Through successive immigration acts, the Government has introduced a border regime into the National Health Service. Migrants are now charged upfront to use the NHS, denied care when they cannot prove their eligibility or pay, and are having their sensitive data shared with immigration officials, making many afraid of seeking care altogether.
The Windrush scandal, which revealed that British citizens were denied cancer care, is only the tip of the iceberg. Healthcare workers have reported elderly people being deported without adequate care, children with brain tumours being turned away, care being delayed until a condition is untreatable and countless examples of racial profiling, incorrect designations and other misapplications of the policy that prove its unworkability.
The charging regime is a manifestation of far right politics and it is a key battle ground in the struggle against racism and austerity in Britain today.
Patients Not Passports: Challenging Far Right Policies in the NHS event will be an opportunity to hear about the impact of this policy in practice and to learn about the collective organised responses and how you can get involved.
We will hear from doctors and patients who are resisting this hostile policy as well as politicians and journalists who spoke out and are campaigning for access to healthcare for all.
The event will also publicly launch the Patients Not Passports campaigning toolkit which can be accessed online at
Tickets are free but spaces are limited so please book your tickets here
Venue: St Pancras New Church, Euston Road, London NW1 2BA
Please share and invite your friends, members and supporters.
Join our Twitter Storm on Thursday April the 25th between 10am and 12pm
We’ll be tweeting from the @DocsNotCops @Medact and @MigrantsOrg using #PatientsNotPassports and shorter link for tweeting
Or you can share the event on Facebook here
Supported by: @AsylumMatters. @GlobalJusticeUK @4refugeewomen
@HaringeyWelcome @Housing_Justice @IWGBunionI @JCWI_UK @LARAFLabour @LetUs_Learn @migrants_rights @MigrantVoiceUK
@NACCOMnetwork @Praxis_Projects @RunnymedeTrust @the3million