A General Election has been called for 12 December 2019, and we’re launching the Promote The Migrant Vote campaign to support migrants and BAME groups to engage with the upcoming election, and to mobilise our communities to register and to vote.
In this election, it’s crucial that the experiences of migrant and BAME communities are part of the national debate. More than 9 million people eligible to vote in the UK are at risk of not being able to vote in the upcoming election, which disproportionately impacts people from migrant and BAME backgrounds.
Many people do not know, for example, that Commonwealth Citizens are eligible to vote, and many in our communities struggle to participate due to language barriers and a lack of familiarity with the democratic processes. Others find elections alienating and disempowering as the issues migrants face are unrepresented and immigration is framed negatively in public debate.
In the General Election 2019, we can ensure there is a clear, public demonstration of the power of migrant and BAME communities. If our communities register, vote and use the election to amplify the demands for equality, dignity and justice, we can ensure the experiences of migrants are part of the national debate.
We only have until the 26th November to register everyone in our communities to vote. Make sure you are registered to vote, and join our campaign.
How you can support the campaign:
- Like and support us on social media! Like us on Facebook here, and follow us on Twitter @MigrantVote and invite all your friends to do the same!
- Donate to our Crowdfunder. We are raising money to produce and distribute resources in different languages, and to support migrant groups to organise registration drives across the country. Anything you can contribute is greatly appreciated.
- Learn about registering to vote, who is eligible, and how to support people to register to vote on our website here. Make sure all your friends and families are registered! Once you have registered, please tweet a photo of yourself with #PromoteMigrantVote – and tag us @MigrantVote
- Run a registration drive in your area! Check out our detailed info on how to run a registration drive here. If you are interested in running an event to help register migrant and BAME communities to vote, check our action kit here, and get in touch with us at voters@migrantsorganise.org. We will be running online training sessions so you have all the information you need to run the event (watch this space!)- and will be here to help run the event and provide resources!
- Help us with translations! We are looking for volunteers who can help us translate leaflets and sections of our website into Arabic, French, Hindi, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Urdu, and more. If you can help with these or any other languages, please email voters@migrantsorganise.org
- Volunteer with us in our Outreach and Campaign Working Group, or in our Media Working Group, to help us build the campaign and reach partner organisations by sending out leaflets, support others to run registration drives and register members to vote, and amplify the voices of migrants during the General Election by helping us with our social media. If you have more time over the next 4 weeks, this is for you! Email us at voters@migrantsorganise.org to get involved.