[h4]VOTE for MAYOR on May 3rd[/h4]
Londoner’s daily life is touched by decisions of our Mayor more than by those of the national government. If you travel on a tube or bus to work, have children of school age, struggle to find affordable accommodation and wish for safer streets – you should pay close attention in the next couple of months as the person who will take become the London Mayor will have powers to improve daily life for you and your family. If you are a migrant or of migrant background, you belong to the largest group of Londoners (37% of foreign born people live in London). Given the importance of migrants to London – now and in the future – all mayoral candidates need to engage with issues that are relevant to our lives. This, of course, will be possible only if you take a stand and spread the word about the importance of these elections.
[h4]How to take a stand:[/h4]
Luckily, Mayoral election is high up on the agenda and discussions abound. The Guardian is currently calling for public input for Mayor on a variety of issues: policing, housing, transport, environment, employment, and governance. Local community organisations have been listening for months what people want to change and are now running workshops to encourage them to register and vote. London Citizen, a broad alliance of faith and community organisations, have been listening and working with others towards a manifesto that reflects common good for our communities and neighbourhoods. And this is what people want:
[ul style=”arrow”]
- Safe neighbourhoods
- Better and affordable housing
- Living wage for Londoners
- Better work opportunities for young people [/ul]
Use your vote to ensure that the new Mayor works for the common good of our communities and neighbourhoods.
[h4]What you can do[/h4]
Register to vote by April 18th
You can vote if you are British, Irish, and Commonwealth or EU citizen over 18 years old. You need to register with your local council or do so online at London Elect website by April 18th. Encourage your family, friends and neighbours to register and vote.
Attend a community meeting about the election
Go to your local community organisation to discuss issues and find out more about the election. Raise your concerns about what issues most effect you.
Come to MRFC March 27th
Join us at the Forum on March 27th to discuss and find out more about the election.