Last night, the Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum launched our social enterprise – Integrated Media UK. For the past two years, we have provided quality, in-depth digital trainings for migrants and refugees. Now we are openning our expertise to the general public.
[h4]Bespoke Support[/h4]
This new social enterprise provides bespoke digital media training for individuals, charities and businesses. Integrated Media specialises in creating customised trainings for our clients’ individual needs. After a short conversation, we will recommend the most suitable length training for your capacity and skills.
[h4]Crash Courses and Advanced Courses[/h4]
We also offer regular one-day trainings focused on social media, blogging, and e-newsletters. These courses are open to the public for the flat rate of £100.
[h4]Supporting Migrant Communities[/h4]
In addition to providing the best training on the market, we continue to support migrant and refugees. We offer discounted or bursary places for migrants or refugees. Integrated Media also provides work placements for young migrants who wish to enter the digital media or communication sector.
A special thank you to our guest speakers of the night- Rob Blackie (Blue State Digital), Tom Barfield ( and Mark Rock (Audioboo).
[h4]Please join us in celebrating the last two years of our success and many more in the future.[/h4]
[h4]Watch ‘Digital Activism for All'[/h4]
Above is a documentary film- Digital Activism for All– produced by a graduate of our course, Julie France.
April Training Schedule
Social Media for Beginners
Thursday, April 12, 2012 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
This course takes you through our practical step-by-step training on world of digital media. We help you understand and devise a social media strategy that integrates with your mainstream communication. We orient you to the major social networking sites – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. We assist you in setting up your business or organisation accounts.
We help your digital media strategy take flight.
E-Newsletter for Beginners
Thursday, April 19, 2012 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
This course orientates you to the wide world of email newsletters. We help you gain greater access to your clients by connecting to their personal inboxes. We help you create attractive and engaging emails. We teach you how to target your email blasts to close contacts or special interest groups. We help you maximise your return by teaching you how to evaluate the impact of each enewsletter.
We help you know and connect with your clients.
Blogging for Beginners
Thursday, April 26, 2012 from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
This course teaches you the basic skills of content management on your blog or website. We help you understand which features are most important for your business or organisation. We guide you through the process and habit of blogging to build your reputation. We help you hit the right tone to engage your loyal costumers and bring in new clients.
We help you stake out and build your digital reputation.