Abolish Reporting: July 15th Day of Action

🌏✊🏾 Abolish Reporting: Day of Action July 15th 🌏✊🏾 

Take action with us on Thursday July 15th outside Home Office Reporting Centres nationwide. 

⚡️We demand an end to immigration reporting.  

⚡️We demand an end to the Hostile Environment.

⚡️We stand in full opposition to the new Nationality and Borders Bill. 

⚡️Together, we demand equality, dignity and justice. 

Find an action near you, head to your nearest Home Office Reporting Centre and be ready to make some noise in solidarity! 


💥 London 💥 

📣 Thursday July 15th, 2PM

Join Migrants Organise, These Walls Must Fall, SOAS Detainee Support and more. Full Info here::https://www.facebook.com/events/139837758247485/?ref=newsfeed


💥 Leeds 💥 

📣 Thursday July 15th, 3-7pm

Home Office Reporting Centre, Waterside House, LS4 2QB

Full Info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/331785388446834


💥 Manchester 💥 

📣 Thursday July 15th, 1-3pm

Home Office Reporting Centre

Dallas Court, M50 2GF

Full Info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/458880388550225

💥 Liverpool 💥 

📣 Thursday July 15th, 12-5PM

Meet city centre, march to Home Office, then solidarity celebration

Full Info here: https://www.facebook.com/events/331065781805863/


We invite other groups to also co-host the event with us, join our movement and show a strong local opposition to the intimidation of migrants in the UK.

You can access resources here to set up your own action or to learn more about the campaign check out these resources from These Walls Must Fall: detention.org.uk/abolish-reporting

#AbolishReporting #SolidarityKnowsNoBorders #EndHostileEnvironment

What is the Abolish Reporting Campaign?

Abolish Reporting is a campaign led by people with first hand experience of reporting – supported by Migrants Organise and These Walls Must Fall

Amidst renewed attacks by the Home Secretary on migrants and refugees now is the time to take action and build strong coalitions in our communities. 

The Day of Action is an action to highlight the constant criminalisation  of migrants and refugees through Mandatory Immigration Reporting. 


 If you are being forced to report or know someone that is you can download our guides to help you. 


Challenge Your Reporting Condition                   Guides for advisers and caseworkers              


[button url=”https://bit.ly/ReportingResources” text=”DOWNLOAD” size=”” type=”primary” icon=”” external=”0″]



Abolish Reporting, TWMF Leaflet                  Abolish Reporting, TWMF B&W


[button url=”https://bit.ly/ReportingRe[button url=”https://bit.ly/ReportingResources” text=”DOWNLOAD ” size=”” type=”primary” icon=”” external=”0″]


What is Immigration Reporting? 

“Whenever I have to report, I can’t sleep. I get so stressed all day, and the journey is so long. It takes me between one to two hours to go there, and then I have to queue for a long time, and come back. It takes me the whole day and I feel so tired afterwards. My Crohn’s diseases gets worse because of the stress” Migrants Organise member

“It’s stressful. You have to queue for hours and they [the staff] are also often very rude to you. I don’t have enough to afford the transport cost there because I am not allowed to work, and they don’t give any help. They expect you to look poor and sad, but I refuse” Migrants Organise member

Anyone who is waiting for a final decision on their application to live in the UK can be required to regularly travel to “sign on” at an Immigration Reporting Centre.

Every appointment carries the risk of being randomly taken to a detention centre. These conditions amount to unfair, unjust and unnecessary harassment of migrants, and it has to stop!

Every Home Office reporting centre is a site of state monitoring, intimidation and trauma for migrants. Our friends and neighbours have to come into these offices to ‘report’ on a regular basis, often weekly or fortnightly. At any point they could be detained and taken to a detention centre. Racism, intimidation and bullying is rife.

The Home Office claims that this system is to keep in touch with people about their applications, and, laughably, to provide “support” to vulnerable people. There is no support, only intimidation and threats of deportation. We know of one person accused of working illegally, just because they arrived wearing smart clothes. The implicit threat was that their asylum support could be stopped, leaving them homeless and destitute. 

During the pandemic, shifts in practice to phone/text contact showed that mandatory, in-person, reporting is an unnecessary and overreaching form of control on the lives of people who already face marginalisation and criminalisation. Migrants who switched to text or phone reporting under the first lockdown reported massively reduced stress, and now demand that in-person reporting and other types of surveillance are stopped, for good.


Join us and build power from the bottom up.  Put your name to the Fair Immigration Charter today: www.firmcharter.org.uk

Email: Brian@migrantsorganise.org for more information